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Aku bukan perempuan materialistik... tapi aku suka duit atas hasil usaha sendiri
Saturday, July 10, 2010

WEEHUUU...allu semue...skali lg sye nk bersihkan sawang di blog nih hehhee...lme sgt x update...... 

bln nih bnyk update yg nk bt

1) Hari Selasa yg lepas sy mengheret eqa housemate sy pergi kew Stadium Titiwangsa utk daftar tapak bazar ramadhan...semoga sy dpt tapak tu...aminnnnnn

2) Hari ini sepatutnye sy keje (swap shift disebabkan nk pg pendaftaran tapak bazar tu tp sy mc.....

3) 19 HB nih cabut undi utk tapak bazar huuuu cuak partner ku tersayang korg sumer kene cuti gak k.....

4) Mampukah ku bertahan dgn keje ini ....aku bukan robot.....

Harapan dan doa
- Semoga bisnes kami berjaya AMINNN......


--you're --
Saturday, July 10, 2010

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Jersi World Cup
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sapa nk order jersi utk world cup bln jun ni blh hubungi aku..(0176776481)
-Kualiti kain (AAA)..
Utk order, sila sertakan: -Jersi negara/club mana..
-Saiz.. *Bayaran boleh dibuat dgn bank in ke akaun Maybank (158154228713-NOOR HASLIZA ABDUL LATIFF) selewat2nya 6.5.2010..
*Jersi djangka akn dtrima oleh anda selewat2nya 14.5.2010..!/profile.php?id=698412599 

--you're --
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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beauty crazy
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

lawatlah ke blog kedua saye di link nih....... tips and info kesihatan and kecantikan

--you're --
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

haluuu da lme x menulis blog nih hehhehee da bersawang2 da..... hmm skang ni tngh nk mencari kerje... nk berenti la dr tmpt nih.. x suke keje ngan cinkong yg racist...... keje nk siap cpt, tenage perah hbs2an... gaji x berbaloi... xde mse rehat..... pg outstation xde allowance kecuali diluar lembah klang. tu pun x boleh dpt allowance sepenuhnye sdgkan diorg charge duit allowance g site kt sponsor bnyk tp x kasi kt ktrg..... keje mcm nk gilew tp nk bt maintainance diri pon x ckp duit..... huhuhu..... aim skrg nk CARI KERJA LAIN.

skrg ni tngh gile2 mmbt penjagaan diri luar & dlmn n dlm otak skrg tngh berfikir nk bt bisnes....... mungkin dlm pertanian... tnm cendawan......

LAGI BGS KALAU KERJE SENDIRI. kerje teruk utk poket sendiri lbh baik dr kerje mcm kuli batak tp duit msk poket org lain

--you're --
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

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E-book on online business
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

--you're --
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

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Youth Say
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Everyday, you say something.

You SMS, chat online, and talk to your friends and family.

What if you got rewarded for your say?

More than 159,312 young Malaysians and I have been active in this community and I thought you would want to check it out.

How does it work? * Get paid when you take surveys, help businesses and society serve you better. * Meet like minds and influence others as you discuss your interests, current issues in the group discussions. * Help young Malaysians with their questions. Or ask one of your own!

It's actually quite addictive and you can earn a bit of money on the side. Till date, members have earned a total of RM 150,205.

You have to see it for yourself!

--you're --
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

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Do you love your current job?????
Friday, April 24, 2009

Do you love your current job? Do you think that you will stick to this job, working with the same company,the same ppl, facing the same 'attitude' everyday until u grow older, get married, have chidren n grandchildren....??????

Me, i don't want this job to be my future career.... After i get married i must have better job where i can manage my family at the same time.

I thought of this everyday...

i've been working with the same environment nearly a year. I've faced a lot of ppl with different attitude n a lot of office's politics. i'm really thankful coz i get job after graduated without any hardship. At first i thought i love this job but after 3 month i get bored, then early this year, i'll get promoted to another position but yet still working with the same environment until now. i kind of like this new job, at least i don't have to stay in office for the whole year as i get to travel to sites to ensure that a trial is conducted in compliance with protocol and guidelines and i get opportunity to fly sometime. well it do gives me a lot of experiences n opportunities.

My Boss always say that this area is very demanding and if u have a lot of experience u can always have career enhancement but i wonder, in order to get career enhancement do i have to like everyday go to office, get myself busy, create my head solving queries n problem created by other ppl, hold lot of responsibilities and the worst thing is i'm making money for other ppl's pocket not mine...

with only 2k, it's still not enough to support living cost in this metropolitan city... and even if i get career enhancement how much will the salary increase. It's true that money isn't everything but everything needs money.

I wonder if there is a job where i could do it at home where i can earn money and at the same time manage family. hmmmm .......... i know that kind of job is available in our market but to find the right n not scam is the hardest part.

with only 2k here, the things that i get is

--you're --
Friday, April 24, 2009

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